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Table 2 Correlation coefficient matrix of 16 production factors in 603 farms

From: Study on the influence of different production factors on PSY and its correlation

  1. Red represents positive correlation and green represents negative correlation. The darker the color, the higher the correlation coefficient. PSY, piglets weaned per sow per year; MR7DW, mating rate within 7 days after weaning; FR, farrowing rate; PBAL, number of piglets born alive per litter; WPL, number of weaned piglets per litter; PD, production days; TPL, total number of piglets per litter; 21DAWP, 21-day adjusted weight of piglets; BWP, birth weight of piglets; Lat, latitude; MPR, mummified piglet rate; NPD, non-productive days; WBI, weaning to breeding interval; Lon, longitude; RSR, return-service rate; SR, stillbirth rate