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Table 2 Inputs used for the within-herd prevalence of viremic animals (WHP), based on Pijpers et al. [23]

From: Probability of introducing porcine epidemic diarrhea virus into Danish pig herds by imported spray-dried porcine plasma

Animal group

Proportion of infected animals between those tested per group

Pregnant sowsa

4/6 = 67 %

Farrowing sowsa

2/3 = 67 %

Fattening pigsa

6/6 = 100 %

Pregnant sowsb

7/8 = 88 %

Fatttening pigsb

6/13 = 46 %

WHP distribution

RiskPert (46 %; mode = median of all values; 100 %)

  1. aAnimals tested during the first month of the outbreak
  2. bAnimals tested during the 10 months following the beginning of the outbreak
  3. N.B. According to Pijpers et al. [23], we used the proportion of animals shedding PEDV in feces within groups of pigs older than 10 weeks, since only those animals were assumed to contribute to the blood batch collected at the abattoir