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Table 5 Proportion (standard error) of pigs cured from post-weaning diarrhea after a given of number days

From: Post-weaning diarrhea in pigs weaned without medicinal zinc: risk factors, pathogen dynamics, and association to growth rate


1 day

2 days

3 days

4–8 days

By producer

 Producer A (n = 38)

0.61 (0.079)

0.91 (0.034)

0.997 (0.003)


 Producer B (n = 59)

0.53 (0.065)

0.85 (0.036)

0.98 (0.010)

> 0.998 (< 0.002)

By etiology

 ETEC (n = 14)

0.5 (0.13)

0.95 (0.045)

0.995 (0.007)

> 0.999 (0.002)

 Hemolytic non-ETEC E. coli (n = 24)

0.5 (0.10)

0.82 (0.064)

0.96 (0.025)

> 0.993 (0.059)

 Rotavirus A (n = 25)

0.48 (0.10)

0.79 (0.65)

0.98 (0.012)


  1. The cure-ratios were estimated using a Kaplan–Meier failure function. The estimates were stratified by producer (A or B) and by three different assumed infectious etiologies