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Fig. 4 | Porcine Health Management

Fig. 4

From: Influence of spray dried porcine plasma in starter diets associated with a conventional vaccination program on wean to finish performance

Fig. 4

Nasal swab samples positive for MHYO genome. Values are least squares means of treatment group by day of experiment for percentage of nasal swab samples positive for MHYO genome (n = 26 samples per treatment by day). Treatment groups were vaccinated (V) or saline (S) injected pigs on d 3 after weaning that were fed starter diets with (P) or without (C) spray-dried porcine plasma for the initial 14 d post-weaning. One pig per pen was challenged with PCV2 inoculum on d 63 after weaning. Data was analyzed for the effects of sex, treatment group and interaction of treatment group and sex using orthogonal treatment comparisons for the main effects of vaccination (1 VC + 2 VP vs 3 SC + 4 SP), starter diet (1 VC + 3 SC vs 2 VP + 4 SP) and interaction of vaccination and starter diet (1 VC + 4 SP vs 2 VP + 3 SC). There were no significant differences detected among treatment groups at any sampling time

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