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Fig. 2 | Porcine Health Management

Fig. 2

From: Proposed virulence-associated genes of Streptococcus suis isolates from the United States serve as predictors of pathogenicity

Fig. 2

Relatedness of 208 S. suis isolates by pan-genome analysis. Genetic relationships between isolates are based on the presence and absence of 8373 gene clusters among 208 S. suis genomes. The phylogenetic tree is colored-coded (branches) and labeled (right) by CC; multiple STs did not form a CC or formed a CC without a primary founder. Isolates from at least sixteen swine production companies (A-P) (≥ 2 isolates each) were identified in the data set. Misc. refers to miscellaneous production companies (single isolates each). Isolates belonging to the five predominant production companies (A, D, E, K, and M) are color-coded by their respective production company. * strains in the commensal pathotype (n = 22)

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