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Fig. 1 | Porcine Health Management

Fig. 1

From: Five risk factors and their interactions of probability for a sow in breeding herds having a piglet death during days 0–1, 2–8 and 9–28 days of lactation

Fig. 1

AC Two-way comparisons of pre-weaning piglet mortality risk for sows (probabilityof a sow having a piglet death: PWM) during early (0–1 days), mid-(2–8 days) and late (9-28 days) lactation (N = 264,333 sows) between parity and PBA groups. Means and SEs were estimated in mixed-effects models. a, bDifferent superscripts within parity groups represent significant differences in means (P < 0.05). x–zDifferent superscripts within PBA groups represent significant differences in means (P < 0.05)

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